Category: emergency

  • Terror subduing

    I was in front of NDTV all through last night. They were showing always-on live coverage of the attack against the terrorists. What I noticed amazingly striking was that though there were only about 30 terrorists in the fight, they were not so easily giving up. They have decided to give their lives for this attack to be a success – to kill maximum – so they are doing everything possible to hide from our commandos and there are more than enough places to hide in at the Taj, Oberoi Trident and Nariman House. So one thing is for sure. This is going to be a long fight. And it will be only once this is all over that we can discuss in serious where we went wrong.

    But one positive thing about these attacks is the way things were handled during the crisis. The hotel staffs were exceptionally courageous and they led the guests living inside to safety before the gunmen could catch a sight of them. Also the commandos. They have been doing their duty, but exceptionally well, by capturing or killing these terrorists.

    It is high time that we look into our own security. Though I may be sitting in my chair and typing this post now, I can be killed or injured at any moment. So let us unite for a better and safer India

  • Mumbai fighting

    Nation is challenged. Mumbai is attacked. More than 100 killed. Terrorists of number about 30 each firing from 3 hotels in Mumbai – Taj, Oberoi and Nariman House. Everyone is in chaos. The largest orkut community has only one voice – we should unite for a mass action against the terrorists for securing our own safety.