Tuesday, August 18, 2009

2 Freeware Tools to Monitor Your Network Traffic

Here are two tools which I've personally used and found extremely useful in calculating how much data i've downloaded/uploaded through my internet connection.

Anyone using a minimum pay internet connection will sooner or later need either of these tools.

The first one is a very small single file application called Network Traffic Monitor. This thing allows you to find the amount of data downloaded or uploaded in that particular session and also the speed of downloading or uploading. This comes useful when you have low memory or is just checking out how much downloding does browsing actually cause.
Direct Download Network Traffic Monitor (zip file, about 0.5 MB)

The next tool is a larger software, which always runs in the background - NetLimiter Monitor provides details and exportable daily/monthly statistics. It can be used to find the amount of data sent or received by individual applications. It also keeps a track of all the statistics. So, it can be used to find the total amount of upload and download in a month.
Direct download NetLimiter Monitor (exe file, about 2.5 MB)

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