Category: Uncategorized

  • On Facebook

    Facebook is an excellent social networking tool. It has features that makes reconnecting with old friends nostalgic, sharing photos beautiful and staying connected seamless.

    And that’s where it ends. Facebook is not the best content discovery tool. It can show you news from only those people you know or follow. Technically it can show news from world over, but it doesn’t by default. That immediately restricts the sample size of links you chance upon.

    You can actually change the defaults and use Facebook like a feed reader, by liking pages of a good content creator or a good content curator. And then going through a myriad of settings to make all of their posts visible to you.

    But Facebook defaults to “suckery”. In an effort to make page owners pay for advertisements, Facebook buries page posts deep inside news feed.

    And then, Facebook, by default, gives the microphones to all your crappy friends and turns the volume up on all of them, simultaneously!

    Even if you quit reading twilight after the first few chapters, you can relate yourself on Facebook to Edward Cullen in classroom. You get to read everyone’s mind, without even listening. Unlike Cullen here, you have to turn off each single person who litters.

    And in such a system, diversity dies off. You post about what your friends post about which is what their friends post about which is what their friends post about which is what you post about. It’s like inbreeding depression. And this leads to the same stories recurring on your wall day after day walling (pardon the pun) you from all the different, neverthoughtabout things that actually happen on the internet. You will be stuck with Modi’s comment on Rahul and Rahul’s comment on Modi and Modi’s comment on Rahul’s comment on Modi and Sachin Tendulkar’s comment on Bharath Ratna, and Bharath Ratna’s comment on Sachin Tendulkar, and your neighbour’s comment on Sachin Tendulkar and your friend’s comment on your neighbour’s comment on Sachin Tendulkar and then Modi’s comment on that. And to vie for your attention, each news source will add more masala, more drama to each story they post. While the internet goes forward with splendid things.

    Click here to deactivate your Facebook account now.

    And then, decide on one standard news site, one standard niche site and one standard content discovery tool, and live a beautiful life.

  • Assorted List of Things 20-Something Should Know

    This post on Making254movies:
    26 Things Every 20-something Should Wish to Know

    It needs a little restructuring so that we can actually remember it and apply to our lives. First, go read the post. Then, revise it below.

    To begin with:
    2. Invest in yourself.
    23. Habits now, will stick till the end.
    25. Don’t worry about things that aren’t good about you, spend time on the good ones.

    7. Get educated formally.
    22. College won’t take you everywhere. Educate yourself.
    10. Keep a personal library.
    26. Learn the art of rhetoric.

    9. Take care of your body before it’s too late.

    12. Have a budget.
    24. Save money.

    1. Don’t feel urged to go behind a girl.
    4. Don’t cohabit outside marriage.

    General social life:
    6. People let you down. Expect it and learn from it.
    20. Be charming, help others.
    8. Put people together. 
    19. Stop trying to save everybody.
    13. Don’t compare yourself with others, say on social media.

    General life:
    5. Don’t necessarily go with hype.
    11. College -> Confusion -> Real life. That’s the order it comes in.

    3. Take jobs that need travel.
    15. Take values out of crappy jobs. 
    17. Be passionate, be willing to fail.
    16. Accept failures, move on.
    14. Keep changing your plans, as needed.
    21. But don’t listen to unimportant people.
    18. Explore.

  • On Disposing Garbage From My Reading List

    Up until two months ago, I would have been heading to if I ended up in a long queue for chappati at the mess. No, I wouldn't waste a lot of time reading worthless status updates. I'd only click on external links and read articles (which feigned importance).

    And then, I deactivated my facebook account (as I've described here on quora).

    I started reading more of, and my textbooks.

    And that's when I realized that there's a difference between articles that you land up on after surfing social media, and articles from high quality news sources like The Hindu.

    For example, till a friend told me about how sad it is that naive criticism is floating over the web and social media about Sachin receiving Bharath Ratna, I didn't know that people could even think of blaming Sachin for being conferred a prize.

    But did I miss anything by not reading such hate-posts? No. There will be thousands of opinions about every event that occurs. Not all matters. A vast majority of opinions are fit for not even the trash can. Unfortunately, we meddle ourselves in all that rubbish, all day.

    If I go to Google News, it's again those articles which are "hot" that is displayed more prominently. And those are most often not the ones that are comprehensive accounts of reality. People tend to click on eye-grabbing headlines. And sites like NDTV capitalize on that by publishing "news" that sounds more like gossip.

    A comparison

    Hindu article:
    Heading: C.N.R. Rao bemoans lack of funding for science
    Relevant section:

    For a brief moment, Professor Rao lost his cool and criticised politicians for having given “so little.” “But for the money that science receives, India, I suppose, is doing well,” he said.


    NDTV article:

    Heading: Bharat Ratna CNR Rao calls politicians 'idiots'

    The same section:

    Venting out the dissatisfaction in the scientific community over "inadequate" funding, Bharat Ratna awardee and eminent scientist Professor CNR Rao today had an angry outburst as he called politicians "idiots" for giving them "so little".

    "….why the hell these idiots, these politicians have given so little for us. Inspite of that, we scientists have done something," Prof. Rao said, losing his cool.

    This, as I come to know from wikipedia is called sensationalism.

    Which of the two articles above are people more likely to share on facebook or google or twitter? We don't have to speculate. The answers are on those links for everyone to see. At the time of writing, there's 155 fb shares, 5 tweets and 3 google+ shares for one. And 1.3k fb shares, 200 tweets and 137 +1s for the other. Which's which is anybody's guess.

    It's natural for any business to try and maximize their revenue. And we can't actually blame them for trying to entice us into reading their articles. We should blame ourselves for continuing to promote such valueless journalism. We should stop reading them.
    I'm not here to blame media barracks for sensationalism. I'm here to help you out of it. Human beings are naturally curious. But we don't want anyone to exploit our curiosity for their ulterior motives. Let's preserve our curiosity and apply them to find solutions for problems that genuinely need our attention.

    To Do
    There's only one thing to do. Mercilessly prune your reading list. Whenever you find a sensational article, remember how the author of that article must have been forced to write insensible incredulities to vie for your attention. Then, simply ignore it. Ignore your urge to open and criticize and comment and share. Ignore it and keep your mind fresh; to read a beautifully written, thought provoking, inspiring, educating article. Like, this.
  • Why Bother Writing?

    Thoughts are vague. No matter how clear a thought is to you, it would not be fully formed. That is, till you decide to write it down.
    When you write down anything, you assign an (imaginary) audience to it. And you start explaining your idea. Any explanation has to go down logically. Every digression will have to be thought through to its completion. But this is lacking in “just thinking” about it. Your brain deceives you into believing that everything is logical and that branches of thoughts are self explanatory or irrelevant, or somehow not any which require that it be pursued.

    Thinking gives a false impression of completeness. Writing makes a thought concrete.

    It is like a construction. You can plan everything down to its last detail. But it is only when you start building it that you realize which structures are vulnerable and what modifications are necessary in order to make the building stronger.

    And that makes writing difficult.

    So difficult that when people actually sit down and try to write, they give up, and worse, they think of writing as a futile exercise because they have “already thought everything about it”.

    You get my point. If you are thinking that you have thought everything about something, you should be able to write about it without any difficulty. If you find writing about it even slightly difficult, it means that you have missed out some critical piece of thought in your mind tree. It’s only when you’re forced to write, that it becomes complete.

    So, write.

    PS: Writing this made me consider another related process – “talking”. Wouldn’t talking also force us to solidify thoughts? I think the answer is “Yes, but…”.
    Pros of writing:

    • A written document can be read by anyone, any time.

    Cons of talking:

    • Conversation gets very messy if you try to go back and delete a wrong word from one of your previous statements, and come back and continue the sentence and then change another word in the previous statement, and so on. There is absolutely no way to delete a paragraph.

    Okay, from the above point onwards, I’m considering only digital writing. And I seriously don’t think anyone will be writing with pen on paper any more.

    Perceived pros of talking that is levelled by internet:

    • In a conversation with an interested soul, you might get help from the conversational partner to finish your thought. Blogs with commenting system set up lets anyone else forge a new direction from your idea.
  • When Doing Good is Bad For You

    This is a choice that the social revolutionary in a not so bad democracy has to face. He is confronted with injustice or inequality that doesn’t harm him directly, and won’t harm him at all if he ignores it. But if he decides to try and eliminate that evil, his future will be in risk.

    So, the revolutionist faces a dilemma. Options are:
    a) Risk oneself and improve the situation
    b) Ignore the situation and play safe

    The potential pitfall a revolutionist might fall in is thinking that they must always act against injustice. The right approach would be doing a risk-benefit analysis.
    The revolutionist will have a better chance of choosing the correct answer if he asks himself “How important is it to the world that this situation improves? How important is it to the world that I spare myself for better things?”

    With those two questions, he easily reaches an answer.

    To be precise, if there is sacrifice involved, spare yours for the biggest cause that you can win.

  • What Ails Our Higher Education? Let’s Stop Blaming The System

    This post is intended to supplement the post of the same title in SVYM founder’s blog.

    "Simple living and high thinking" was Gandhiji’s motto.
    But most of the Indians have failed to imbibe that.
    And that’s indirectly led to all problems we are facing today.

    Education, from the elementary level, is failing to make children think high. That’s because the faculties, the teachers aren’t themselves thinking high. And that’s because the whole system is only very slowly changing.

    And where does that change come from? From people who think different, who go down untrodden paths, who communicate and exchange ideas with foreign cultures, who read books other than prescribed textbooks, who embrace the idea of change, and self improvement.

    It’s a positive cycle. We stop blaming the system, and improve ourselves. Slowly, the system begins to improve.

    And as a student who boastfully regards himself as having broken free from the rat race, I give you a few tips on where to begin.
    There’s actually just one tip.
    Use the internet. The world wide web.
    Read blogs, articles, newspapers, journals, magazines of different geographical regions.
    Learn about the culture, ideas, notions, and the system at other places.
    Find out interesting leads.
    Be willing to change.

    And to begin go to (No, I am not paid by google for leading you to them)

    Go find out "how to win a nobel prize", "life at MIT", "buddhist philosophy", "barefoot running", "minimalism"

    You will soon run out of things to search for. But things keep popping up too.

    And while reading you’ll find out new books, blogs, websites, ideas, philosophies, games!, activities, organizations, mailing lists…
    Do not skip any. Follow them. Subscribe to blogs, add yourself to mailing lists, play games, do further searches on things.
    And you get more pages.
    More to read.
    More ideas.

    And that’s all you have to do.
    Slowly, your mind will begin to expand, to see alternate views, to discover solutions that never seemed to exist, to think in new patterns, to imagine, to create, to evolve.
    And then you can never go back.

  • Is Corruption All? : A Look into the Real World Problems in Government Offices

    There seems to be a consensus on the idea that all problems that we face in our governmental system is due to corruption. This anecdote might help you see some other complicated and routine sides of the “efficiency” issue of our offices.

    My dad is a medical officer, and he told me this story last night.

    If you go to his Community Health Centre (a small hospital with a few doctors, in-patient facility and operation theater, and just over 20 rooms) you’ll find 3 rooms fully filled with old tablets.
    To know where these came from you need to know a bit about the way tablet distribution works. The government orders a huge amount of tablets from companies, and distributes it to each government hospitals of the state according to their need (mostly freely). This need is calculated by multiplying the number of doctors working there with the number of tablets they prescribe. So, in dad’s CHC it’d be, say, 7 * 300 per month (like for ORS, 10 packets are easily given away per day). And the government gives 2100 ORS packets. Now, 3-4 doctors go on leave. And so, no matter how many people get diarrhoea, there’d be an excess of at least 1000 packets in stock. And then these get expired. Laws are that 6 months before expiry date the pharmacist must distribute these to needy organizations like orphanages. But there’s so much of about-to-expire tablets that when he asks the organizations whether they need tablets, they ask the same question in reply. And the pharmacist keeps them with him safely. Let’s assume this kind of loss is minimized by asking only around 1000 packets from the government.
    But there’s another problem. If in any hospital of the state any tablet is found sub-standard, a committee sees to it and blocks the distribution of tablets of that batch number throughout the state. And these kind of sub-standard batches occur every year. Since the tablets are costly, the pharmaceutical company is written a letter informing the defect and reimbursement is asked for. After a month, the company doesn’t send any reply. Another letter is sent as a reminder. No reply. (And sometimes these letters are not sent at all. Companies could bribe clerks at the office to prevent the letter being sent) Now, a registered letter is sent. No reply to that either. And then, everyone forgets about the matter. And back at the hospitals, the pharmacist is left with a whole batch of tablets that he can’t distribute because they’re of low quality, can’t burn/dump because he needs to return them in case the company decides to reimburse and asks for the tablets.

    Thus, hospitals get filled up with tablets.

    Whom do we blame now? If the Lokpal bill had been introduced whom would we want hung?

    This is just that kind of a cumulative error which Nedumudi Venu points out to the court in the movie Anniyan and gets laughed at. Errors for which you cannot blame a single person.

    And it happens because human beings are not machines. Human beings are, well, humans. They make mistakes. And our rules do not make a differentiation between humane errors and human greed. It doesn’t matter whether you do something slightly wrong because you’re stupid or because you’re corrupt. In fact there’s no “slight” wrong before the rule. And that’s machine logic. 1 or 0. Corrupt or pure. That’s not how human beings are. Human beings can  be something in between.

    No, I’m not blaming the legislature. Because to codify the various processes, the algorithm by which we decide what is right, what is wrong and what is in between, is equivalent to designing artificial intelligence. You can’t do that.

    And that’s why we have courts! Courts are rules with a human interpreter. In fact judges are allowed to interpret rules. They decide who’s wrong, who’s right and who’s slightly wrong, by applying human intelligence.

    So, why do we have corruption though we have courts. Because courts are slow. Not all cases reach courts. Not everyone gets to present their cases fairly before justice.
    And if we try to hasten, the decisions could become inaccurate. If we try to expand, the average intelligence of the judiciary might go low – it takes years of experience to become a judge, that’s because you learn to apply non-extremist, non-digital (non 1 or 0) logic to questions, and it takes people years to learn that (or for others to be sure they’ve learned that).

    But it’s not just the courts that are slow or inefficient. Offices, officers, administrators, organizers, chairpersons, presidents. Anyone could be inefficient. Because just occupying a government seat doesn’t automatically make a man superman. He’s the same adolescent turned young man turned adult who has all the follies, imperfections of a human. He will make mistakes when work becomes tedious for him. He will make the wrong choices when presented with too many choices.

    And where we go wrong is when we think that forcing them to do the right, putting pressure on them to perform will make them do the right. It may or may not. But I know something that has a better chance for working. And that’s technology. Sure there are things that cannot be modernized. But still, we’ve not yet achieved that much which we can. The GoI is definitely taking the right steps by implementing UID and related projects. That’s just a start. Everyone, every office, could benefit from technology. And it’s the software engineers, IT professionals, etc who can identify these areas. Funny that I didn’t start writing this post with this intention. But I suppose, if you’re an engineer, and you’ve been told that a career in medicine or administration is the best way to serve the people, well you’ve been misinformed. You have the key to the solutions of our 20th century problems.

    And I’m just trying highlight human imperfections that need to be corrected not with stricter rules, but with productivity tools.

  • Complaining about Rape

    All you idiots out there who want to castrate the guys who molested the girl in Guwahati, your anger is misdirected. It’s not their fault, it is not the girl’s fault, it’s your fault that your society has problems regarding sexuality. And that’s because you fail to talk about it. You consistently fail. And you make sure younger generations fail too. You can’t even talk about puberty to your son, forget about talking sexuality with your colleagues. You ain’t gonna get out of this mess till you begin to lose shame, inhibition. And you will certainly not grow up till you learn to admit that guys like breasts and girls like (oops, I don’t know what they like, because I’ve never got a chance to talk) whatever they like.
    And Indians fuck. All of them have sex. Because without that, you can’t explain how we maintain the population competing with China. After all, divya garbha is only in our fairy tales. And you all have a dick or a pussy (if you lost it in an accident, I’m not responsible, shut the fuck up). And all of you, thanks to evolution, has the desire to get laid. And there’s nothing to hide. So be it, be talking about sex.

  • What do you perceive as reality?

    Just saw Shutter Island, and I should tell you it's the most amazing take on memories and how they define reality and what neuropsychiatry is all about and omg, what not!

    SPOILER WARNING: If you've not seen the movie, and are planning to, then don't read ahead.

    So, here's where it all matches what ideas I've been having about how the mind works.

    Recap: There are only memories. Procedural, declarative, everything. And then, a stimulus appears. It rains, or someone talks, or you fall, or a lion appears behind you. And then, the impulse, the message travels from your sense organ to the brain; it's sorted out and sent to whichever memory/neuron it corresponds to; (again sorted) from there to the procedural memory that it demands; and then to the respective effector organ, and finally you have a response.
    [I should tell that I've not yet learned about how this sorting out thing works. I'm assuming it does that, somehow]

    So, that's it. The basics.

    And then there's this experiment, the split-brain experiment, just google it: Someone has his corpus callosum, the main communication between left and right hemisphere, removed; and he's shown an image to his right eye, say that of ice, and he's shown too many other images to choose from, to associate this ice with, and he chooses a shovel (because you needa shovel the ice). And his left hemisphere is out of the story, it knows nothing about what just happened. And then, the guy is asked why he chose the shovel, while being shown a bird to his left eye. (Should tell you, it's the left hemisphere's Wernicke's area that controls all logic, reasons, etc in most people, sure you've heard that left is rationale and right is creativity). Here's a bird, and here's a question why choose shovel. And suddenly, the left side cooks up a story: "Because birds poop, and you need to clean up that"

    Now, that's where Shutter Island comes in. The hero, all he remembers, is from the beginning of the movie, he's in a ship, to shutter island, as a US Marshall. And that's his observation. Now, he's gotta cook up a story consistent with the observations. And he's clever enough to make a perfect one. And there you have! You're insane!

    If that didn't make it clear, lemme explain.
    Right now, you have all your memories, from your age 5 or 4 (or to be very precise, memories begin forming whenever your nervous system develops, right? Because you do remember the first words you were taught while still struggling on your back) or from the beginning, and then you have a consistent story about the reality out there.

    And that reality is based on all your memories. If all of a sudden you were to wake up with none of your memories from the last 2 years, what would you do? How would you feel? If you'd ever fainted for a while you might have experienced this. (Like I fainted, interestingly the first, and as of now the only, time I donated blood, and then I wake up, as people said, 10 seconds later, and all I see is people all around looking at me, and I don't remember what happened, and so instantly, in seconds I am thinking "I've just been in a road accident." And if I was lying down on the road with blood splashed all over my body, I'd just believe that forever. But gladly, I look around and then I remember I was donating blood and the people around, they fill the 10 second void in the memories, and ha! I'm back in my reality.

    What if it was not that easy?
    What if suddenly somewhere inside your brain, a stroke or something knocks out an year or a decade of your memories and nothing, nobody can explain to you or make you remember everything, everything that happened, to fill in that void?
    Suddely your brain, without even letting you* realize it, cooks up a story to fit in all that it remembers and sees. And there you go, you're in a mental asylum which's your home, the psychiatrist is your family friend, and the nurses are your sisters or daughters or servants, and the whole world is crazy!

    *Who's this you? Are your brain, your mind and you three different realities?

  • Attempting to Solve the Hard Probelm of Consciousness

    I remember asking one of my computer science friends a few months ago when he was coding a small game “When your program plays the game, does it actually know the rules, or does it just act as per your algorithms as to how to proceed at each imaginable point that comes up during the game? Is the program conscious of the game?”

    Now, I think, that question of mine was invalid.

    We go inside the mind of a human baby, an infant.
    It knows nothing – a blank slate. Very importantly, what we call consciousness, or the awareness of the self is absent. Somewhere along the line, it becomes conscious and begins thinking of itself.

    [I’m gonna be putting seemingly random thoughts throughout this post, just make sure each one of them are agreeable]

    How do we learn something?
    As small kids, we are shown or we see everything around us. Cats, people, stones, toys, moving things, immobile things, living things, non-living things, this, that, everything.
    Right from the delivery bed there’s a training process that begins. Mom points at a moving thing and says “DAD”. Then, “CAT”, “DOG”, “PEN”, and so on…
    There can’t possibly be any understanding as to what “dad” or “pen” means at that time. BUT, very importantly there are memories, or conditioned reflexes formed. [Remember Pavlov’s dog? After Pavlov repeatedly struck a bell before feeding a dog for a few times, just striking the bell brought about salivation].
    So, the next time you see the same pen or the same cat, you, as a baby, remembers to associate with the sound “CAT” or “PEN”
    That’s initial variable declaration kind of memory formation.

    Then, you learn categories, methods, activities, etc.
    This is a cat. This doesn’t move. This is not even 3D. This is just a “PICTURE” of a cat. Cats in pictures can’t move.

    Then you go school. Teachers tell you:
    Cat is an animal. Dog is an animal.
    Cat can change its position. Cat can move. Animals are those things that can move.
    And then, all your memories of cats, of movement, and of cats moving surfaces in your mind.
    Of dogs too.
    And then you learn what it takes to be an animal.

    I repeat. A baby knows nothing.
    How does it learn? By conditionally associating words that it hear with the visual (or tactile in a blind person) stimuli that is accompanying the sound always.
    Not just objects. Methods like motion, fall, rise, rolling, everything is associated to the words for it.


    Then there are categories. And there are inherited methods, inherited properties.

    A baby learns to categorize things. It learns that if a rat is an animal, it’ll move too. (Even this is taught. You’ve got to remind her “Idiot, it’s an animal. Animals move”)
    So, the baby now learns to identify, categorize, etc.

    Now, we move on to the hard problem of self awareness.
    It’s not really hard.
    The baby is taught about the existence of self.
    It’s taught that whichever part of the universe is under its direct control is called “self”.
    And there always is the unconsciously learned skills like moving own hands, feet, etc. which leads to an image of the body being formed in the brain (cerebellum).

    (I say, if we were to keep something contiguous with the body 24×7, 365 days for a non-leap year, it’d finally form a part of the body image.
    In fact when we grow up, and we start using mobile phones, we get addicted to it, then it becomes so repetitive that even the mobile handset forms a part of the body image. But this is usually prevented by the fact that we keep the sets down at times. But what I mean to say, is that if we were to associate, consciously as the mobile being an extension of our body, it’ll finally become a part of our self. Maybe this is true with prosthetic limbs and all. No, they will tell you it feels alien, but that’s because they have not tried to consciously associate with it, nor do they get sensory stimulus from the prosthetic)

    Thus, the baby begins to identify itself. (Even this is just an information stored in the neurons)

    Now, consciousness.
    The fact that there is something that’s observing my thoughts.

    I am thinking hard.

    It’s hard to solve.

    Emotions, etc can be explained with hormones, and the sense of well being. Like negative words are associated with bad memories, bad memories bring on the be wary mode, leading to release of be wary hormones, which would bring about a bad mood – negative emotion. Vice versa with positive emotions.

    But who is feeling this well being?
    That, is really hard to solve.

    And I go back to the question I asked my friend. He should have retorted with this question: “What do you mean by ‘conscious’ness?”