Category: Uncategorized

  • Nobody is the King

    Had occasions when you wonder what you should do and what you should not?
    Ever felt out of the group in a party/dinner/function?
    Had to ask/listen to somebody’s lecture on friend/couple/family/stranger manners?

    Not any more.

    Wherever you go, whatever you do, there is only one rule you should know – “be comfortable”.

    And that refers just to you. You be comfortable. And do everything it takes for you to feel comfortable.

    People are always gonna tell you you should not have done this/that/itlikethat because they are confused what to do.

    You’ve got an identity, you hold onto that. Never ever feel the urge to be someone you’re not.

    Because trust me, you’re the king!

  • 2011: The Year of Conversions

    “2011 is the only year I studied both in a school and a college.” ~SMS forward

    January – Started studying seriously for entrance examinations. Carefree to careful.
    February – Turned 18. Minor to major.
    March – 12th standard board exam is over. End of English as a subject.
    June – All exams done. Time to commit to one very big life decision – college.
    July – Enjoy, wait eagerly for college.
    August – Join MBBS, marvel at the size of textbooks. +Start the challenge of living without a computer for an year.
    September – Make friends.
    October – Sleep.
    November – Loose sleep studying for internal exams.
    December – Rejoice at the failure. Learn from it. And start afresh. This time, it’s a happy new year!

    I have some serious ideas about studying medicine subjects, especially anatomy. It’d be worth another post after I finish the experiments.

  • The Peace in being Immensely Busy

    To waste not a second, being busy like a bee, was always my dream. But in medical college it's the rule and not exception that you be busy, always.

    And I'm finding a strange feel of order and happiness in it.

    You wake up, do the record work for the day, preview the day's class, brush, rush through breakfast, ride to college, attend lectures till noon, rush back to hostel, have lunch, rest for 10 minutes, return to college for practical, go straight to library from there, come back half an hour before dinner, take a bath, wash, have dinner and chit chat, start reading till midnight, and sleep. Repeat this for every weekday with occasional inclusion of exercise. And on a holiday you pay back your sleep debt, go shopping, do NGO activity, call old friends, family, go around the town, and sleep tired.

    It's not hectic, but there's a continuity, a flow of activities from one to the other, with no time sucking in between. And this flow is addictive, albeit tough to achieve.

    And not to forget the mental stretch the textbooks give. It's one great balancing act that brings out your mettle. Medical college.

  • Type in Indic, Greek, Arabic Anywhere, Anytime With Google IME

    Google’s transliteration feature has been of great help to Indian’s looking to type in their own languages. But to use it one had to be connected internet.

    But our dear Google (G capital for God and Google) has again come for our help. They’re providing an IME tool which when installed works as a new language in your windows system (yeah that language bar you tried so many times to hide, you’re gonna need that)
    You can just type in the language you choose even in notepad.

    Google Transliteration IME is currently available for 14 different languages – Arabic, Bengali, Farsi (Persian), Greek, Gujarati, Hindi, Kannada, Malayalam, Marathi, Nepali, Punjabi, Tamil, Telugu and Urdu.

    First you’ll have to download the language pack you need from this page.

    And don’t cut the internet connection

    Then when you run the file it will download the files it need, install itself and disappear into nothingness.

    Then when you’re clueless about what to do, go to the Google Transliteration IME help page Google Transliteration Input Method (IME) Help there. (You can’t find that link by searching, they show some Chinese pages, so rather save it now)

    There, they will tell you to enable the language bar (by right clicking on taskbar, pointing to toolbars, selecting language bar) and then to select your language to see the Google IME.

    Rest is explained nicely with pictures over here:
    Google Transliteration Input Method (IME) Help

    Just go there, start typing without pain…

  • I Shall Suffer From Fever, But I Won’t Take Medicines

    A female mosquito of the Culicidae family (Cul...Image via Wikipedia

    I was bedridden last Saturday and Sunday, and parts of the preceding Friday, of fever. The fever that comes along with the rains. This year, we forgot to clean our surroundings. I mean, everyone in Kannur forgot to do so. And what more, our family decided to shift to the urban Kannur this month. And so, when it started raining, I was conveniently located for the mosquitoes to have a bite. They were here, they were there and they were everywhere. We managed to keep them out of our bedrooms using Mortein. But Mortein actually works only when we have closed every door and window so that no mosquito can enter from outside. And there was this colony of mosquitoes in the bathroom. They come through the closet, like ghosts in Hollywood movies. So, there was no stopping them from looming around us, posing a deadly threat of numerous diseases including malaria, yellow fever, dengue fever and filariasis. Still, we managed to escape their deadly stingers.
    But it so happened that on Friday evening, when I was returning from my new school (Chinmaya Vidyalaya Kannur) I was very tired and the next thing I remember properly is that I was sleeping in bed.

    Now, it was a confirmed case of viral fever. But I didn’t take any medicine. I knew that there was no efficient anti-viral drug with my father. And so I knew that whatever he gives me would be of no use. But, evenif he had a medicine, my father would not tell me to take any medicine. Becuase after almost 20 years of treating patients, he knows that it is better for the body to take no medicine at all rather than take all sorts of anti-biotics that suppress the symptoms of the disease and give momentary relief, destroying the body’s capacity to fight and win over foreign bodies while doing so. And I believe him completely. There can be no medicine stronger than the white blood cells in our body. Just trust your body, give it rest and give it a chance to show what it can do, I’m sure, no disease will ever haunt you for more than a week.

    What I learned from having suffered fevers, alone, for the last 10 years of my life is that, the best way out of a fever, is to suffer it completely.

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  • Oh God! You are so Powerful, Please Spare me

    This, so nicely explains my way of dealing with God that I can’t put off quoting it here.

    Marcus Aurelius: “Live a good life. If there are gods and they are just, then they will not care how devout you have been, but will welcome you based on the virtues you have lived by. If there are gods, but unjust, then you should not want to worship them. If there are no gods, then you will be gone, but will have lived a noble life that will live on in the memories of your loved ones. I am not afraid.”

    If at all there is a God, we need not be afraid or even be bothered about him, because after all, if we are doing good, then no God can complain that we must be punished, just because we did not find it logical to prey or worship God.

    Now, another idea that has been looming around the corner for as long as afraid-to-be-atheists existed is

    “I don’t believe in God as a person, but I believe there is some force that is controlling everything, the way earth rotates around the sun, the way we do things, etc”

    Now, this is an insane idea. Science can explain almost everything that is running around now. And it will find explanations for tougher questions too. But, every science reaches some point where there is no answer, and the scientist says “It so happens”. This is where almost all theists give place to God. The point at which science stops answering, theist answers God. And when science expands further so as to reach the next level, the theist takes God to the next level. God was not that, God is greater.
    This game between the scientist and the theist is going to go on for ever: The universe has enough mysteries to make sure that no science will ever crack it all, and the theistic imagination is 1000 folds quicker than every science.

    And so, again, we reach a point where talking about God is meaningless, and completely useless.
    Let God exist or not, who cares? And why care?

  • Why I chose to be a Doctor, over Physicist?

    I’ve decided to join medicine and become a doctor, while loving Physics to the core and after dreaming to be a physics professor for a few years. Why?
    My liking of Physics is just fascination. I read every new theories presented in the subject, but believe few. I may get an MSc or PhD in Physics, but what if I don’t trust the subject I like?

    In the period that Einstein was active as a professor, one of his students came to him and said: “The questions of this year’s exam are the same as last years!” “True,” Einstein said, “but this year all answers are different.”

    I don’t want to risk my life and learn this western science.
    I just want to live a life that can be of any use to others, (and comfortable to me) and I believe being a doctor can perfectly fit my needs.

  • You aren’t hurt when you miss somebody…

    But you’re hurt like a nail down your throat when you think about somebody you’ve missed.

    And this is what’s happening to me right now. Tomorrow, my class 10 results will be announced, along with thousands of others’. But mine is going to be special, because whatever the figures tell, I’m going to school tomorrow. With that result which that school gave me. And I’m going to meet my teachers. The teachers who made me. The teachers who touched me.

    But I still don’t understand why it’s only when you are lying on the bed just trying to get some sleep on the eve of the results that you think of the work that you did to have been waiting for those results that are going to be announced in a few hours. Why doesn’t it strike to you at any point of time before that hour that you go to school only once. And why don’t you understand that you have only one set of teachers who taught you what you had to learn. No one else can teach you those basics anymore, because you’ve already learned it and repeating is not learning. No one can be your teacher anymore. Then, why don’t you let yourselves out, and make those souls know what they mean to you. Can anything else be more appropriate on the day of the results.

    Yes, I am going to school tomorrow. (And I’m going to love it this time around much more than I’ve ever had)

  • Facts about Indian Prime Ministers

    The Prime Minister whose birth anniversary falls on November 19 

    Indira Gandhi 

    The PM from Andhra Pradesh who could speak many languages 

    P.V. Narasimha Rao 

    Twice the acting PM, never the actual PM

    Gulzari Lal Nanda 

    Only PM from Karnataka 

    H. D. Deve Gowda 

    Became PM at 81, died at 99 

    Morarji Desai 

    The PM who died at Tashkent in USSR 

    Lal Bahadur Sastri 

    The PM who also served as the Chief Minister of Uttar Pradesh 

    Viswanath Pratap Singh 

    Youngest PM, who also was a commercial pilot before being into politics

    Rajiv Gandhi 

    The PM who held the post for 17 years consecutively 

    Jawaharlal Nehru 

    First person to deliver a speech in Hindi at the UN 

    Atal Behari Vajpayee 

    The PM who was born in a village in Pakistan, the primary school in which he learned was renamed after him when he became PM

    Manmohan Singh 


    Source: Revised NEW FIND OUT GK book for class 6 OXFORD University Press

  • Why are we, we?

    Human beings exist. And unlike all other organisms, he thinks, not just of himself but also of the world around and also of the world inside him. And this self-enquiry is what takes us to this fundamental question. Why do we exist? And the answer, the answer I don’t know.

    But let us think of evolution. If Darwin is right, human beings evolved out of the common ancestor between him and apes, and this species in turn evolved from another less complex species. And it all simplifies to reach the simplest organisms. So, it all started with a single cell of life. But does it end with human beings? In other words, are human beings the pinnacle of evolution? Biologists agree that human beings are nothing but another variety in the pool. They might be much more intelligent, but they are just another species.

    So, my first big question is, “Are we authorized to question?” And the answer is simple, “We can, we must”

    “But just because we are able to question, does it mean that we will be able to find the answers?” “It’s just a matter of belief

    If you believe in the idea that somebody created this universe, and we all, and it is he who decided what we do next and what the next letter I’m going to type, then you are completely free to search for your soul’s ultimate aim and live or die for it.

    But this is a risk that many find unwilling to take, including me. Because, they believe that they are here by accident and there’s no point in trying to understand why this accident happened. And this is what I call the theory of accident.

    By this largely humanistic theory, I mean that we are here by something that we don’t know, and that we needn’t know. We know we are here, then why don’t we just be here? Why don’t we live happily knowing that we are here and there’s nothing that we can do to undo our existence or nothing that we can do by knowing how we came into existence. Why don’t we live here being a lot helpful to other beings? Why don’t we live here as if no one ever wanted us to do anything? Why can’t we just ignore this meaningless question and start living the life that we happen to be into?

    But it is when we start living such that this question again pops up. Why are we here? Are we here to just live and die like a prisoner in jail? Or are we here to do something else?

    And when we try to answer this, we find that even if we are here to do something great, what is greater than helping others and living happily? What promise does knowing your life’s aim give you rather than infinite bliss? Does any spiritual theories promise you anything other than infinite bless and an escape route from all your miseries? If we can get this all by not doing what these theories tell us, then why should we?

    To sum up, I believe that we just need to live and live happily, because that’s all that you can do