Category: Uncategorized

  • Destination Infinity: The Japanese concept of 5S

    Destination Infinity: The Japanese concept of 5S
    Simple management techniques for a better life.
    Also some examples for the greatness of Japanese men

  • Bharath Operating System Solutions (BOSS) – Indian LINUX

    The C-DAC (Center for Development of Advanced Computing) developed a Linux operating system for Indians, a few years ago. It is now in its 3rd major version – Tejas.

    Unlike Windows, every application in it can use any Indian language as its interface. That is, apart from being able to type in Malayalam or any language, with BOSS, you can actually see Malayalam words instead of File, Edit, etc. And if you are visiting Malayalam websites, on the title bar of the browser, you can see actual Malayalam letters instead of those little rectangles you get with Windows.

    BOSS can easily be downloaded from their website.

    It also has automatic updates. If you can’t use those in Windows due to pirate concern, you CAN with BOSS.

    Installation is quite user friendly, though there can be a slight problem for beginners during disk partitioning. But this can be easily done, if you have a windows system with many disk drives already installed. So you can just delete one partition manually, and tell BOSS to automatically partition the free space that is created.

    After that everything is quite easy. Even users new to Linux won’t feel hostility. The taskbar has the ability to hold many desklets, like the Google desktop gadgets or vista desktop gadgets. Languages can easily be changed. Updates easily done. Even installations of new software have been given a graphical end. A synaptic manager, lets you find which all software is available at various web resources, and lets you install those, with just checking and clicking.

    There are nice CD/DVD writing tools. A swap disk that lets you free yourself from being tied to the memory limit of your RAM. Simple Games. Everything that you will ever need.

    For more information go to

  • X Party: “Y and Z are bad. Elect us”

    Ever since Chief Election Commissioner N Gopalaswamy declared election schedule, I have only seen politicians criticizing other parties. And most of these are about past things, about past leaders who are not even competing elections this time, or about things that happened elsewhere away from the constituency from which that particular politician is competing.

    The thing to note is that they are not talking about future. They are talking about past. They are telling about what their predecessors did in their party.
    What the people of other parties did in their past. How corrupt the opponents are. How they are communally dividing people. How they will be harmful to the people.

    Do we need to hear these? Past can influence the present or future only as much as a starting trouble can break down a car during the middle of its journey.

    Then, why should we pay heed to these words? Why can’t they make promises? Because they know they can’t keep them? May be.

    US President Mr. Barack Obama made 895 promises during his campaign journey. (click here to access an 8 MB excel file that lists these) And he is moving to fulfilling each one of them.

    Why can’t any Indian politicians be so bold? May be there are some who do make and keep promises. Yet there are no great expectations from anybody. Why? I don’t know. I am in no position to answer. But I know only one thing:

    Should there be an Indian Obama a very talented someone with a ready to die attitude (politics is physically injurious; but talented people find other much safer jobs) must enter politics.
    Or an alternative is to make all the political parties internally democratic, which is now difficult to be implemented with the current set of leaders wanting every bit of power.

    I think I should write about the need of internal democracy in another post.

  • കേരളത്തില്‍ മഴ പെയ്യുമ്പോള്‍

    വരുന്നൂ മഴ. ഇന്നു മുതല്‍ തീയെട്ടരുകളില്‍ , നഗരങ്ങളില്‍, ഗ്രാമങ്ങളില്‍, എല്ലായിടത്തും, കേരളം മുഴുവന്‍, മഴ ഇന്നു റിലീസ് ചെയ്തു.

    പാലക്കാട് മഴ പെയ്താല്‍ കുറച്ച് അരി അധികം കിട്ടും
    ഇടുക്കിയില്‍ പെയ്താല്‍ വൈദ്യുതി മുടങ്ങാതിരിക്കും
    പക്ഷെ കണ്ണൂരില്‍ പെയ്താല്‍, ചോരക്കറ മായുമോ?

  • Will the feminists ever stop their incessant bitching?

    May be some feminists will find in this author an excellent recipient to send hate mails
    Will the feminists ever stop their incessant bitching?

  • Thanks to Mallya, Gandhi Lives in India

    The personal belongings of Mahatma Gandhi was bought by Vijay Mallya for $ 1.8 million (1 800 000 U.S. dollars = 93.0232558 million Indian rupees) from James Otis after bidding over the phone.

    James Otis had said to the Indian government that he would give the properties free of cost to Indians, if the government decide to allocate more resources for eradication of poverty than for the development of warfare.

    Seems like the intentions of the man was very good. For, after seeing Slumdog Millionaire he would’ve understood the anatomy of the pocket and stomach of Indians in the long forgotten corners of India. But, as there was no constitutional provision for agreeing on a resource allocation change with a foreign blood, our government could do nothing to make James Otis return those priceless possessions free and unscathed.

    That’s where the auctions come. The question whether Gandhi would’ve accepted a bar tender save himself is meaningless. For, if Gandhiji was living now, we would be seeing him ally with drunken men to fight the corruption and negative growth that governments are alternately providing us with. Selling our liver is much less worse than selling our consciousness.

    But on what basis is UPA claiming everything that worthy self-raised Indians do, as their achievements? When Rahman and Pookkutty won Academy Awards, they said that they were providing them with the environment. (Of enough atrocities so that these men are touched in their hearts about the well being of their neighbours and this pain makes them create pieces like broken hearts do?)

    While Vijay Mallya said he had not been approached by anyone in the Indian government in the matter, Indian Tourism and Culture Minister Ambika Soni took credit for the bid and said in New Delhi: “The UPA (United Progressive Alliance) government has successfully bought the personal items gifted by Mahatma Gandhi to a person during his lifetime. (Source: The New Indian Express)

    So what is this government aiming for. The copyright of everything that we produce? It seems natural to them that everything that is made in India is born by their governing. If a tree bears a fruit, they say the government has brought water, air, and soil. That’s why.

    One day an ox will bear and UPA will be searching for a rope to tie the calf.

  • Schedule of Lok Sabha Election schedule 2009 General Elections 2009 Constituencies, number, facts, Kerala, single voter

    The election schedule for the Lok Sabha general elections 2009 was announced along with other details, a few minutes ago by Dr N Gopalaswamy (chief election commissioner) at Chief Election Commission.

    To get the press release given by the election commission, click here (pdf)

    The elections this year will be conducted in 5 phases.


    Date of polling


    16th April


    23rd April (22nd April in one constituency of Manipur)


    30th April


    7th May


    13th May


    16th May

    The new government will come in power on the 2nd of June.

    Different states will have different number of phases depending on the size and other issues.

    Number of phases



    Jammu and Kashmir, and Uttar Pradesh




    West Bengal, Maharashtra


    Andhra Pradesh, Assam, Jharkhand,
    Karnataka, Madhya Pradesh, Manipur, Orissa
    and Punjab,


    All the other states including Kerala


    Of the 543 constituencies,

    • 84 will be reserved for Scheduled Castes (This is 5 more than last election’s in 2004)
    • 47 will be reserved for Scheduled Tribes

    714 million people will vote in this election, 43 million more than 671 million people last time.

    All villages with 300 or more voters will be given a separate polling booth.

    If there is any problem of intimidation or such, a polling booth will be awarded even if the population is less than 300.

    Thus, a polling booth in Gujarat has a single voter. There are only two voters in a polling booth in Chhattisgarh and only 3 voters in polling booths of 3 other states.

  • തൊന്തരവ്: മൊബൈല്‍ ദുരന്തങ്ങള്‍ ‍- 1 :

    തൊന്തരവ്: മൊബൈല്‍ ദുരന്തങ്ങള്‍ ‍- 1 :
    തലവാചകം തന്നെ പറയും ഉള്ളടക്കം എന്താണെന്ന്. ധൈര്യമില്ലാത്തവര്‍ വായിക്കാതിരിക്കുക