This years Nobel Prize for medicine is shared by three European scientists who discovered viruses that cause cervical cancer and AIDS.
Harald zur Hausen (b. 1936) (Tel.: (06221) 42 – 28 50), a German virologist, who discovered the human papilloma viruses (H.P.V.), thus leading to the development of vaccines (Gardasil and Cervarix) against cervical cancer – the second most common cancer among women after breast cancer – will recieve half the award (5 000 000 Swedish kronor = 32.9111834 million Indian rupees).
Françoise Barré-Sinoussi (b. 1947) and Luc Montagnier (b. 1932), both from France, will share the other half of the award (2 500 000 Swedish kronor = 16.4555917 million Indian rupees) but will get full medals and certificates for their discovery of human immunodeficiency virus, which needs no introduction.
Sources :
2) The New York Times