rashtrachetana.com • View topic – Inspiring Stories
There is much more in this site
rashtrachetana.com • View topic – Inspiring Stories
There is much more in this site
Ever since Chief Election Commissioner N Gopalaswamy declared election schedule, I have only seen politicians criticizing other parties. And most of these are about past things, about past leaders who are not even competing elections this time, or about things that happened elsewhere away from the constituency from which that particular politician is competing.
The thing to note is that they are not talking about future. They are talking about past. They are telling about what their predecessors did in their party.
What the people of other parties did in their past. How corrupt the opponents are. How they are communally dividing people. How they will be harmful to the people.
Do we need to hear these? Past can influence the present or future only as much as a starting trouble can break down a car during the middle of its journey.
Then, why should we pay heed to these words? Why can’t they make promises? Because they know they can’t keep them? May be.
US President Mr. Barack Obama made 895 promises during his campaign journey. (click here to access an 8 MB excel file that lists these) And he is moving to fulfilling each one of them.
Why can’t any Indian politicians be so bold? May be there are some who do make and keep promises. Yet there are no great expectations from anybody. Why? I don’t know. I am in no position to answer. But I know only one thing:
Should there be an Indian Obama a very talented someone with a ready to die attitude (politics is physically injurious; but talented people find other much safer jobs) must enter politics.
Or an alternative is to make all the political parties internally democratic, which is now difficult to be implemented with the current set of leaders wanting every bit of power.
I think I should write about the need of internal democracy in another post.
There are a lot of poor in India. Instead of seeing them as liabilities, can’t we possibly convert them into potential reserves?
This may seem a little bit absurd. But consider:
Kids among the needy are kids like us.
They are also born with the same intellectual capabilities as we are.
They can learn things as fast as we do.
Let us provide them with free education, under one condition, that when they grow up they will work for us. Free education of high quality may be costly.
But, if we take that risk and sow those seeds. In the future we may end up with a bunch of highly talented and ready to work professionals. They can be put under jobs that require skill.
To sum up, my idea is that the poor becomes a liability only when they are unskilled because unskilled labour is cheap, and difficult to obtain. But when they become skilled they are more valuable than assets. The only problem is that there is a slight risk.
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All that couldn’t fit anywhere else sleeps here
Everything that appeared in the “In the Spotlight” section of this blog, will appear here.
വരുന്നൂ മഴ. ഇന്നു മുതല് തീയെട്ടരുകളില് , നഗരങ്ങളില്, ഗ്രാമങ്ങളില്, എല്ലായിടത്തും, കേരളം മുഴുവന്, മഴ ഇന്നു റിലീസ് ചെയ്തു.
പാലക്കാട് മഴ പെയ്താല് കുറച്ച് അരി അധികം കിട്ടും
ഇടുക്കിയില് പെയ്താല് വൈദ്യുതി മുടങ്ങാതിരിക്കും
പക്ഷെ കണ്ണൂരില് പെയ്താല്, ചോരക്കറ മായുമോ?
sqrt(2) = 1.41421356237309504880168872420969807856967187537694807317667973799073247846
sqrt(3) = 1.732050807568877293527446341505872366942805253810380628055806979451933016
sqrt(5) = 2.23606797749978969640917366873127623544061835961152572427089724541052092563
sqrt(7) = 2.6457513110645905905016157536392604257102591830824501803683344592010688232
sqrt(11) = 3.31662479035539984911493273667068668392708854558935359705868214611648464260
sqrt(13) = 3.605551275463989293119221267470495946251296573845246212710453056227166948293
sqrt(17) = 4.12310562561766054982140985597407702514719922537362043439863357309495434633
sqrt(19) = 4.35889894354067355223698198385961565913700392523244493689034413815955732820
If most of your dreams for your life can be seen as ‘highly improbable’ or ‘least likely’ by many others, if the cheese in you is not older than a quarter century of years, if you would love to continue loving life and fearing death, don’t read anything after this period ‘ . ‘
OK. So you agree that you are ready to take on the sole responsibility of whatever happens to you by reading this article henceforth as yours. Remember, you are gonna be wandering in a lost world, and there is no turning back. This is your point of no return – .
That was a bold action.
Let X denote your name. (Here, your refers to the body and mind that is enclosed inside the 6 or less feet long and much less wide and deep magnitude of volume sitting in the chair)
So, Mr.X, if I say that you are your hands, will you agree?
Or if I say you are your legs?
Or heart?
Your whole body?
Then what are you? Your body + your mind?
Now you can say, that your mind is a part of your brain and hence you are your body itself, the hardware and the software installed in it.
But, I disagree.
I say that you are not your body or your mind, nor both. But YOU are a consciousness, that is watching over your mind, and your body. Your body is just a tool that serves the act of receptors of radio signals. Your intellect, another tool that process these information. Your mind, yet another tool that adds emotion to spice up your dinner and to serve it to you, the consciousness, which witness everything.
You are not your mind, or body, but the consciousness that presides over the ceremony.
The mind is just a screen onto which the ideas are projected by the reel (body) and you are the audience in the theater who watches the show.
Now the problem is, people tend to think that they are their body or mind. They associate their existence with their body or intellect or mind. That is why they feel pain when the body is pierced, they cry when the mind is hurt. They can’t bear insult. They can’t suffer hardships. They just freak out for help.
Try disassociating yourself from your mind and body. See yourself as that consciousness. And you will soon realize that life is fun.
Now, even if you did not pay heed to my previous warnings, you are still safe. It is not late to close this page or to shift to some other posts.
OK. Then.
Until now, we were just discussing a psychological brain washing which can be used productively to bring the best out of anybody, without having him to break down.
But from now, we dive into the deepest depths of Hinduism, Advaita and all such religious thoughts, that are far too complicated to be understood let alone be experienced. But, the very fact that we can’t understand these makes us try to understand it. And the more we understand it, the more we realize that our lives are meaningless.
Now, where did we stop? Yes. The consciousness.
This consciousness, was called atman by Vivekananda and many other Indian sages. The rough English translation brings us to the dictionary entry – soul.
So, it is this atman that defines us. We are not the sum of our body made up of matter and mind made up of even finer matter. But we are the infinite atman that stretches into every nook and corner of the universe. [Can’t understand, right? Me too]
And this atman is a part of the greater atman – the paramatman, the superconsciousness. The superconsciousness is the sum of all consciousnesses. It is the air into which all the gases called atman melts into. [If we can agree on the previous paragraph, why not this?]
So, when man reaches such a level, where he is devoid of any thoughts about his mind, or any sense towards his body, he attains the superconsciousness. He is then logged into the Godly consciousness and has the infinite access to all the knowledge in the world. He knows the answer to every questions that gave him sleepless nights – Why am I here? What should I do? Who am I? – and it gave him happiness, eternal bliss. [But though I searched all through Vivekananda’s works like Google does with internet, I couldn’t find the login form where we can enter our username and password so as to access the aforesaid things. Sure, Google misses something]
Now you are in a confusion. You understand that there is some timber in this tree. But you can’t just cut it and make a sofa set for your living room. You want to make one. But you don’t have the axe or the chisel. You are gonna employ everything you’ve got around you to try and bring that tree down. But you can’t.
That’s why I warned you previously. You are gonna be wandering.
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