
Notice: after planning it for years, I moved this blog out of blogger/blogspot (which google has abandoned long ago) to wordpress on a fine evening in Dec 2024. This notice will stay here to warn that things might be broken. Let me know if you find anything.

  • Are your parents the best?

    I believe vehemently that our character, intelligence, everything depends on nurture, rather than nature.
    Whatever you do, however you respond in a given situation will have something or the other to do with what your parents/teachers/friends/books/culture/family/siblings/environment taught you at some point in your life.

    And then comes the question. Do you have the best parents? Did you learn in the best school? Did you grow up in the best neighborhood? Did you read all the best books? Where you nurtured in the best way possible?

    And, how will you explain your imperfections? Nurture.

    Realizing that what you’ve been taught as a child may not be the right/best thing to do in a situation helps you also realize the potential for growth.
    And that will lead you to sources – people/books/ideas/cultures/thoughts that will make you grow.
    And then, you become perfect.

    “Where you come from does not determine where you can go”

  • What do you perceive as reality?

    Just saw Shutter Island, and I should tell you it's the most amazing take on memories and how they define reality and what neuropsychiatry is all about and omg, what not!

    SPOILER WARNING: If you've not seen the movie, and are planning to, then don't read ahead.

    So, here's where it all matches what ideas I've been having about how the mind works.

    Recap: There are only memories. Procedural, declarative, everything. And then, a stimulus appears. It rains, or someone talks, or you fall, or a lion appears behind you. And then, the impulse, the message travels from your sense organ to the brain; it's sorted out and sent to whichever memory/neuron it corresponds to; (again sorted) from there to the procedural memory that it demands; and then to the respective effector organ, and finally you have a response.
    [I should tell that I've not yet learned about how this sorting out thing works. I'm assuming it does that, somehow]

    So, that's it. The basics.

    And then there's this experiment, the split-brain experiment, just google it: Someone has his corpus callosum, the main communication between left and right hemisphere, removed; and he's shown an image to his right eye, say that of ice, and he's shown too many other images to choose from, to associate this ice with, and he chooses a shovel (because you needa shovel the ice). And his left hemisphere is out of the story, it knows nothing about what just happened. And then, the guy is asked why he chose the shovel, while being shown a bird to his left eye. (Should tell you, it's the left hemisphere's Wernicke's area that controls all logic, reasons, etc in most people, sure you've heard that left is rationale and right is creativity). Here's a bird, and here's a question why choose shovel. And suddenly, the left side cooks up a story: "Because birds poop, and you need to clean up that"

    Now, that's where Shutter Island comes in. The hero, all he remembers, is from the beginning of the movie, he's in a ship, to shutter island, as a US Marshall. And that's his observation. Now, he's gotta cook up a story consistent with the observations. And he's clever enough to make a perfect one. And there you have! You're insane!

    If that didn't make it clear, lemme explain.
    Right now, you have all your memories, from your age 5 or 4 (or to be very precise, memories begin forming whenever your nervous system develops, right? Because you do remember the first words you were taught while still struggling on your back) or from the beginning, and then you have a consistent story about the reality out there.

    And that reality is based on all your memories. If all of a sudden you were to wake up with none of your memories from the last 2 years, what would you do? How would you feel? If you'd ever fainted for a while you might have experienced this. (Like I fainted, interestingly the first, and as of now the only, time I donated blood, and then I wake up, as people said, 10 seconds later, and all I see is people all around looking at me, and I don't remember what happened, and so instantly, in seconds I am thinking "I've just been in a road accident." And if I was lying down on the road with blood splashed all over my body, I'd just believe that forever. But gladly, I look around and then I remember I was donating blood and the people around, they fill the 10 second void in the memories, and ha! I'm back in my reality.

    What if it was not that easy?
    What if suddenly somewhere inside your brain, a stroke or something knocks out an year or a decade of your memories and nothing, nobody can explain to you or make you remember everything, everything that happened, to fill in that void?
    Suddely your brain, without even letting you* realize it, cooks up a story to fit in all that it remembers and sees. And there you go, you're in a mental asylum which's your home, the psychiatrist is your family friend, and the nurses are your sisters or daughters or servants, and the whole world is crazy!

    *Who's this you? Are your brain, your mind and you three different realities?

  • Attempting to Solve the Hard Probelm of Consciousness

    I remember asking one of my computer science friends a few months ago when he was coding a small game “When your program plays the game, does it actually know the rules, or does it just act as per your algorithms as to how to proceed at each imaginable point that comes up during the game? Is the program conscious of the game?”

    Now, I think, that question of mine was invalid.

    We go inside the mind of a human baby, an infant.
    It knows nothing – a blank slate. Very importantly, what we call consciousness, or the awareness of the self is absent. Somewhere along the line, it becomes conscious and begins thinking of itself.

    [I’m gonna be putting seemingly random thoughts throughout this post, just make sure each one of them are agreeable]

    How do we learn something?
    As small kids, we are shown or we see everything around us. Cats, people, stones, toys, moving things, immobile things, living things, non-living things, this, that, everything.
    Right from the delivery bed there’s a training process that begins. Mom points at a moving thing and says “DAD”. Then, “CAT”, “DOG”, “PEN”, and so on…
    There can’t possibly be any understanding as to what “dad” or “pen” means at that time. BUT, very importantly there are memories, or conditioned reflexes formed. [Remember Pavlov’s dog? After Pavlov repeatedly struck a bell before feeding a dog for a few times, just striking the bell brought about salivation].
    So, the next time you see the same pen or the same cat, you, as a baby, remembers to associate with the sound “CAT” or “PEN”
    That’s initial variable declaration kind of memory formation.

    Then, you learn categories, methods, activities, etc.
    This is a cat. This doesn’t move. This is not even 3D. This is just a “PICTURE” of a cat. Cats in pictures can’t move.

    Then you go school. Teachers tell you:
    Cat is an animal. Dog is an animal.
    Cat can change its position. Cat can move. Animals are those things that can move.
    And then, all your memories of cats, of movement, and of cats moving surfaces in your mind.
    Of dogs too.
    And then you learn what it takes to be an animal.

    I repeat. A baby knows nothing.
    How does it learn? By conditionally associating words that it hear with the visual (or tactile in a blind person) stimuli that is accompanying the sound always.
    Not just objects. Methods like motion, fall, rise, rolling, everything is associated to the words for it.


    Then there are categories. And there are inherited methods, inherited properties.

    A baby learns to categorize things. It learns that if a rat is an animal, it’ll move too. (Even this is taught. You’ve got to remind her “Idiot, it’s an animal. Animals move”)
    So, the baby now learns to identify, categorize, etc.

    Now, we move on to the hard problem of self awareness.
    It’s not really hard.
    The baby is taught about the existence of self.
    It’s taught that whichever part of the universe is under its direct control is called “self”.
    And there always is the unconsciously learned skills like moving own hands, feet, etc. which leads to an image of the body being formed in the brain (cerebellum).

    (I say, if we were to keep something contiguous with the body 24×7, 365 days for a non-leap year, it’d finally form a part of the body image.
    In fact when we grow up, and we start using mobile phones, we get addicted to it, then it becomes so repetitive that even the mobile handset forms a part of the body image. But this is usually prevented by the fact that we keep the sets down at times. But what I mean to say, is that if we were to associate, consciously as the mobile being an extension of our body, it’ll finally become a part of our self. Maybe this is true with prosthetic limbs and all. No, they will tell you it feels alien, but that’s because they have not tried to consciously associate with it, nor do they get sensory stimulus from the prosthetic)

    Thus, the baby begins to identify itself. (Even this is just an information stored in the neurons)

    Now, consciousness.
    The fact that there is something that’s observing my thoughts.

    I am thinking hard.

    It’s hard to solve.

    Emotions, etc can be explained with hormones, and the sense of well being. Like negative words are associated with bad memories, bad memories bring on the be wary mode, leading to release of be wary hormones, which would bring about a bad mood – negative emotion. Vice versa with positive emotions.

    But who is feeling this well being?
    That, is really hard to solve.

    And I go back to the question I asked my friend. He should have retorted with this question: “What do you mean by ‘conscious’ness?”

  • The Only Way to Win The Mind

    There is something special about a medical college hostel. You wake up in the middle of the night and walk through the corridor to the loo, whatever be the time, you’ll see one or the other guy awake, under the lamp with his textbook.

    Hard work might be the secret to success. But in medical college it is the only way to survive.

    Getting the first shot of it, I started preparing for the first year exam over a week ago.
    And it has led me to the following understandings.

    If you try to negotiate with mind, you’ll end up with a bad deal. The only way to win your mind, is to shut your mind up and do what you need to do.

    The way the mind tricks you can be very easily observed with self awareness.
    “I’ll check out the social network notifications just for a minute, and be back”
    “I’ll listen to just this song, and be back”
    “I’ll send just this sms and be back studying”

    All those are the deals mind throws at you. And if you accept just one?
    “Somebody has tagged me in a post, omg, he’s uploaded the party pics, lemme comment on each one of them”
    “That song was so good, feel like listening to another of the same artist. How about some chips too. Ah! Relaxed drowsiness”
    “Wow! I got the reply so soon? And lemme ask her about what she’s doing next weekend”

    The story is always the same. The presenting deal was fair. But, once you sign in, the terms and conditions are changed unilaterally.

    But fortunately, there’s a way to prevent losing to mind.
    And that is, to not accept any deal. Strict no!
    “You have a deal, go to hell with your deal”
    “I’m not using my phone, I’m not using my internet, I’m not listening at all!!”

    And then, mind will shut up.

  • Nobody is the King

    Had occasions when you wonder what you should do and what you should not?
    Ever felt out of the group in a party/dinner/function?
    Had to ask/listen to somebody’s lecture on friend/couple/family/stranger manners?

    Not any more.

    Wherever you go, whatever you do, there is only one rule you should know – “be comfortable”.

    And that refers just to you. You be comfortable. And do everything it takes for you to feel comfortable.

    People are always gonna tell you you should not have done this/that/itlikethat because they are confused what to do.

    You’ve got an identity, you hold onto that. Never ever feel the urge to be someone you’re not.

    Because trust me, you’re the king!

  • 2011: The Year of Conversions

    “2011 is the only year I studied both in a school and a college.” ~SMS forward

    January – Started studying seriously for entrance examinations. Carefree to careful.
    February – Turned 18. Minor to major.
    March – 12th standard board exam is over. End of English as a subject.
    June – All exams done. Time to commit to one very big life decision – college.
    July – Enjoy, wait eagerly for college.
    August – Join MBBS, marvel at the size of textbooks. +Start the challenge of living without a computer for an year.
    September – Make friends.
    October – Sleep.
    November – Loose sleep studying for internal exams.
    December – Rejoice at the failure. Learn from it. And start afresh. This time, it’s a happy new year!

    I have some serious ideas about studying medicine subjects, especially anatomy. It’d be worth another post after I finish the experiments.

  • The Peace in being Immensely Busy

    To waste not a second, being busy like a bee, was always my dream. But in medical college it's the rule and not exception that you be busy, always.

    And I'm finding a strange feel of order and happiness in it.

    You wake up, do the record work for the day, preview the day's class, brush, rush through breakfast, ride to college, attend lectures till noon, rush back to hostel, have lunch, rest for 10 minutes, return to college for practical, go straight to library from there, come back half an hour before dinner, take a bath, wash, have dinner and chit chat, start reading till midnight, and sleep. Repeat this for every weekday with occasional inclusion of exercise. And on a holiday you pay back your sleep debt, go shopping, do NGO activity, call old friends, family, go around the town, and sleep tired.

    It's not hectic, but there's a continuity, a flow of activities from one to the other, with no time sucking in between. And this flow is addictive, albeit tough to achieve.

    And not to forget the mental stretch the textbooks give. It's one great balancing act that brings out your mettle. Medical college.

  • Why Hazare’s demands are hazardous

    Corruption – sucks.
    Lokpal – great idea.
    Making Lokpal equivalent to monarchy – insanely stupid in the long run.

    What we see at major cities is not support for the idea that Prime Minister and judiciary should be brought under Lokpal (for the agitated people don’t even know what they are agitated about)
    What we see is the stupid mistake every kid learning politics in 9th standard makes – comparing an ideal monarchy with a practical democracy.

    Yes, the Lokpal should be formed. But no, it should not be made omnipotent. Because that would be going backwards in history. From democracy to anarchy.

    The Lokpal will shake the constitution. So it should be brought in slowly so that the constitution doesn’t lose balance and topple over. And you can’t afford to postpone eating till the end, no matter how large your tummy is.

    Tail piece : People are guillible, especially college kids who hate going to college. But to pursuade those people to vote in favour requires intelligence, which the politicians have. And that’s why they think before they leap.

  • The Past, the Future, and the Mingled Mangled Present

    The school-life has ended but the college hasn’t begun. And you have a funny long drawn out vacation.
    Saw all the movies in the theater. Had enough fun with friends. And you have 3 more weeks to spend. What do you do?

    Here are some things you can do (mostly online)

    1. Mathematics
      Read these 4 books recommended by someone who loves mathematics very much.
      Knots and Surfaces
      Intuitive Topology
      Fixed Points
      Groups and Symmetry
      These books are so well written that despite the enormity of the field they represent, they can be read after high school geometry.
    2. Python
      pythonchallenge is an absolute killer when it comes to learning python online. No, it isn’t a tutor for python, or any language for that matter. It’s a collection of brain teasing programming problems that are best solved with python. And by the time you reach the 4th level, you’ll have already made a small application that interacts with the www.
    3. Web designing
      There’re multiple things to it.
      Html : Very basic, absolute necessity.
      CSS : This is what makes it ‘designing’
      javascript (is not java) : that’s how you animate css.
      jquery : actually a javascript library. But something to stand on its own.
    4. Web hosting
      This goes naturally with the other one. Learn how to setup apache on your own computer. Redirect localhost to your self-hosted wordpress blog
    5. Blogging
      If you haven’t already begun. Start now. I made 9 dollars last month.
    6. Blood donation
      It’ll take your body one day to get your blood level back to normal. So, do this when you have 2 days to spare.
    7. Take up running seriously
      No, I am not serious. Nobody wakes up at 6 during holidays.
    8. Read fiction
      Time to catch up in that department, if you had been postponing.
      Kite Runner is supposed to make a good read. So is To Kill a Mocking Bird.
    9. Change the world.
      This is the easiest of all.

    1000. Have fun.
              Come on, you can’t be so nerdy. Jerk off. Do things you can’t do later. Have a lot of fun.

    And that’s not all.
    There’s a stronger reason why I write this. post.
    It is to keep me engaged.
    To keep me engaged so that I don’t think about my closest friends leaving to different places so as to continue their life. No, it’s not that I’m sad about it. Just that it makes life a bit uneasy. Yes, I love being alone. But not for long.
    I dedicate this post to Nousha who’s been pestering me with the request to do so :D. She leaves tomorrow for entrance coaching (to the same place another piece of my heart went 2 years ago) so as to get a better engineering rank. And the dictator there has banned mobile phones. That leaves me like the Argentinian team with Messi in the side bench.
    I usually try my best to hide my emotions. Like Roger Federer does. But it’s with friends like her that I forget self imposed restrictions and remain the raw, unkempt me.

    And to that friendship, I consecrate my childhood.

  • Any Proof is NOT Proof

    We all ask for proofs. But many of us don’t verify the proof.

    I’ll try to prove that 2=1

    a = 1
    b = 1
    a = b
    a2 = b2
    a2 – b2 = 0
    (a-b)(a+b) = 0
    (a-b)(a+b)/(a-b) = 0/(a-b)
    1(a+b) = 0
    (a+b) = 0
    1 + 1 = 0
    2 = 0
    1 = 0
    1 + 1 = 1
    2=1  (yay!!!)

    Why is it that despite many ‘proofs’ lying around telling us 2=1 we know that 2 is not equal to one?
    Because all the proofs to 2=1 will have some sort of mathematical fallacy in them, like dividing both sides by zero, and knowing that 2=1 is absolutely wrong propels us to try our best in finding how the proof is flawed. Either we find the flaw on our own or we search the internet.

    But what about conclusions that aren’t obviously false? In these cases anyone with a clear head will try and discover the truth. Those who are undergoing emotional stress cannot and will not.

    Assertion: Sai Baba is God.
    Reason: Sai Baba does miracles.
    Here believers who believe no one in flesh and blood can be God will disbelieve the assertion and therefore discover how the miracles that Sai Baba performs are trivial compared to Criss Angel’s Mindfreak
    But some believers who just want to buy more crap will instantly make the connection. Miracles = God! They won’t wait to verify whether the ‘miracles’ are magic or not.

    Now what will happen when the conclusions are even more convincing? Almost all people will fall, despite how good they were in finding flaws in other claims.

    Assertion: Sai Baba is good.
    Reason: He does charitable work.
    Here the reason seems flawless because everybody can see those super specialty hospitals where treatment is free, those schools, etc. And so, everyone agrees with the assertion.
    But what we forget is to see what share of Sai Baba’s income actually goes into philanthropy. There is no possible way for me to know that. Searching online only brings up pages like this which suggests that a huge share of his income goes into his castle building activities. And despite knowing how to use a website the Sai Trust has not published its income expenditure details online. Well, I wonder if they have published it offline either because as far as I know they’re not required to!
    When such a thing happens where the proof is questionable, what I do is to look for clues.
    #1) Had they been donating >80% of their income like some outsiders claim, they would gladly publish the details of their income and expenditure considering how hungry they’re in trying to convince people.
    #2) They’re not honest. The very claim of miraculous powers prove the converse.
    #3) APJ Abdul Kalam sang praise. (All other big names are politicians, etc whom I need not consider) The missile man of India is widely respected. He has got several honorary doctorates (some 37 of them, the last time somebody counted). But that doesn’t immunize him against falling for frauds (Pardon me, it alliterated) And there are other big names who have been silent if not fighting against Sai Baba.
    Based on these I would say the assertion that Sai Baba is good cannot be proved  with the reason stated.

    Putting aside Sai Baba for later, let us focus on how to develop a safe approach towards believing claims. What I have tested and trusted is to start with the assumption that every assertion is false and that all proofs are flawed somewhere. Now, when we try to find that flaw, we may even validate the claim.

    And the internet is your friend in that. Because someone might have already taken the pain to debunk this new fat claim you got as an email forward. All you got to do is verify whether the debunking is rational. Wikipedia, though it is criticized by many to be easily manipulated, is the best help in that regard because without a proper source nothing stays there. (All you must do is to read the sources/references/citations)

    And this is applicable to everything – god men, fund raisers, urban legends, etc.

    All that glitters is not gold.