
Notice: after planning it for years, I moved this blog out of blogger/blogspot (which google has abandoned long ago) to wordpress on a fine evening in Dec 2024. This notice will stay here to warn that things might be broken. Let me know if you find anything.

  • Kerala State Board SSLC Exam Scheme or Time Table for SCERT State Board Examinations of SSLC Kerala

    3 days rest will be given before English and Mathematics examinations.

    English and Social Science exams will be from 1:45 PM to 4:30 PM and all other exams up to 3:30 PM

    A cool-off time will be given for the first 15 minutes.




    March 11, 2009

    1:45 PM to 3:30 PM

    Malayalam – 1

    March 12, 2009

    1:45 PM to 3:30 PM

    Malayalam – 2

    March 16, 2009

    1:45 PM to 4:30 PM


    March 17, 2009

    1:45 PM to 3:30 PM


    March 18, 2009

    1:45 PM to 4:30 PM

    Social Science

    March 19, 2009

    1:45 PM to 3:30 PM


    March 23, 2009

    1:45 PM to 3:30 PM


    March 24, 2009

    1:45 PM to 3:30 PM


    March 25, 2009

    1:45 PM to 3:30 PM


    March 26, 2009

    1:45 PM to 3:30 PM



    Courtesy : Mathrubhumi (February 10, 2009)

  • BSNL Broadband India Best Plans

    I will agree to the fact that BSNL is the most economic, if not the best, broadband service provider in Kerala, if not in India. Because, apart from providing a range of options like USB, wi-fi, ethernet, it also has packages that allow BSNL landline to go along with broadband. And with my personal experience I am posting the best of those plans.

    For home users with BSNL landline phone at their homes, the best available option is the Home 500 C combo plan. Along with 1.5 GB free download and unlimited free download between 0200 hours and 0800 hours, it gives you 175 free calls @ Rs 500 / month (OR you can pay Rs 5000 for a year too .I.e. : Rs 5000/12 = Rs 417/month ). Moreover for government employees there is a 20% reduction for BSNL broadband usage only (and not telephone) which, in this case, is extended to the telephone charges too.

    If you are a computer professional working at home and needs unlimited plans, BSNL has got the best for you. They provide Unlimited Broadband for home users at just Rs 750 per month. Remember, it is not combo plan.

    For beginners BSNL has startup plans. But be careful while chosing these. BSNL offers a Rs 250 / month Broadband plan that gives you just 1GB free download and no free download during nights (happy hours : 0200 – 0800). So this can suit you only if you are just a beginner and are not going to visit and also if you don’t have bsnl landline or you have them at lower rates. If you are in urban areas and have monthly landline charge around Rs 300, then Home 250 will make your bill Rs 550, whereas with Home 500 Combo you get only Rs 500, with almost the same amount of free calls (200 becomes 175) and much more download (1 GB to 1.5 GB + night unlimited).

    Also, never ever opt for Home 125 startup plan. It gives you just 150 MB free usage and the sites like Orkut, if you visit everyday are gonna eat up that in a few days. So you will have to pay another 125 for extra usage.

    Choose Wisely. Live Well

  • ‘Saraswati Vijayam’ by Potheri Kunjambu

    ‘Saraswativijayam’ (1892) is a malayalam novel by Pother Kunhambu (1857 – 1919)

    Saraswativijayam begins with the attempted killing of a Pulayan for daring to sing in the vicinity of a proud Nambudiri landlord. Although believed to be dead, the Pulayan survives, and the rest of the novel follows the two protagonists – the master and the slave – as each of them seeks out his particular salvation. The Brahmin goes to Kashi and cleanses himself of pride and ignorance, the Pulayan, through the space opened up by colonial education and Christianity, becomes a judge. At the end of the novel, the Pulayan presides over the trial of the Nambudiri and also marries his granddaughter Saraswati. The novel has the epigraph: Education is the greatest of all wealth.

    Source: Hindu

  • TIme dilation confusing

    In a science forum, when somebody asked

    “hey guys im tryin to explain to my older brother
    that time is relative to the observer… he’s kinda stubborn and I
    can’t get through to him. He says it’s not logical. I told him about
    the 2 atomic clocks and the jet and how time was deifferent on them
    afterwards but he said i must not know the full story… anyone here
    have an idea of how i can prove this? thanks

    Someone answered

    “The answer is that from both moving object’s
    view, the other object is moving, cause the universe wouldn’t know
    which one is really moving. So in real life both object ends up in
    different realities: both will experience that the other object is
    younger, and you will never see your real brother again. I’m sorry that
    is the way it is.

    You will never hear from me again. I will be someone else. The wine
    you bought is not the one you drink, the pizza you order is not the one
    you eat, the person who gave birth to you is not your current mom.

    They are all in alternate universes.

    There are universes caused by that the universe could not choose
    one way to begin, nor continue since the beginning could be said to
    continue, cause there were different possibilities of how it would
    begin and continue. Were should every particle be positioned? What says
    it should be so?

    And if there was no beginning, the question would still be: how
    should the particles in the continuence be positioned with what

    And there is this relativistic effect of your movement which make
    you in your own universe, seperated from those and that you learned to
    love, but with others that replace them.

    But it doesn’t matter, it is something you must learn to live with.”

  • About Me

    Note: This page is one of the oldest in this blog. I started this blog when I was in 8th standard. And I grew up with it. So, when you go down this page, you’ll see older “about me”s. 

    I am a medical student. I spend a huge share of my time learning new things in medicine/technology/culture/literature. You could actually read my wikipedia user page here to get a biographic overview about me.
    I am interested in a lot of stuff, and more importantly I have an opinion about most stuff. I believe in equality, liberty, and humanism.

    Update 7/12/2013 I used to edit this page in the wrong direction till
    this update. So the update immediately before this will be at the end of
    the post.

    Older forms:

    Well, that’s me in picture. In words:

    Now, if you haven’t read my profile, here it is (in its extended form)
    I usually waste a lot of time:
    playing chess with my father and almost always losing after being in a position of sure win
    Or reading all those PDF e-books I’ve downloaded
    Or watching the magic of Roger Federer on court
    Or trying to learn Einstein’s Theory of Relativity (General and Special – both still confusing me)
    Or drawing triangles and finding new formulas for finding their area
    Or watching Nat Geo
    Or listening what Obama has to tell
    Or reading the same chapters of My Experiments with Truth that I’ve read at least 5 times
    Or fighting with my father about whether God exists in a concrete or an abstract or at least an incomprehensible form, outside the minds of people, and failing to counter his point that it should be experienced and can’t be explained
    Or dreaming of becoming an IAS officer and changing the world (or at least the district I’m posted to), and then being the CM of Kerala and changing the state, then being the PM and changing the nation and then being the Prez and relaxing on the consequences of my actions.
    A small aim is a crime, right?

    Update on July 20, 2009:
    Well, interests do change, sometimes due to external pressure, and I’ve decided to take MBBS (over BSc and MSc) so that I can enter civil service, and resign, in case some minister is too much.

    Update on Feb 6, 2010:
    I’ve found an interesting career path.
    MBBS, then higher studies in neuroscience, then find how mind works. Then go for IAS or anything. The question is whether I would be interested in IAS by then. Because I’ve developed a liking for science more than people of late. Let’s see if we can find a bridge connecting them.

    I started blogging just out of my characteristic enthusiasm and will to learn anything.

    I thought I would make easy money through ads and set up all my blogs to show ads.

    But later, I understood that my blogs should not have any ads. Now, my blog is a non-profit blog.

    Ads are again here, because, I think it may come useful.

    Again my blog is ad-free because when google adsense showed no sense in putting non-sense malayalam ads in my blog, i regained my senses, and removed unnecessary ad blocks. [Updated on April 7, 2009]

    What is wrong in displaying ads in my blog?? [Updated on April 9, 2009]

    Well, though I could add ads, they’re just messy and I don’t like them in my blog where ‘serious’ matters are discussed [:D][Updated on July 20, 2009]

    I had links to copyrighted, pirated materials in my blog earlier. But, as I learned that those things are completely illegal and hurting I decided to remove them.

    Now, my blog is a user friendly one designed to carry my ideas forward.

    Name : Akshay S Dinesh
    Alias : ASDofIndia
    email : asdofindia at the best email service on earth .com
    password : **************
    Phone: (+91) Nine billion four hundred ninety seven million two hundred thirty five thousand three hundred and eighteen
    Passion : Nation
    Favourite sport : Tennis (Roger Federer, to be precise)
    Films :

    Like only which have got timber

    Of late, I hate films, except those hollywood classics. [update: Aug 18, 2010]
    Favourite activity : surfing, blogging,

    facebooking [since joining chinmaya], sending emails, googling, e-learning.

    Currently studying :

    10th standard at Sree Sankara Vidyapeetam, Mattanur

    11th standard.
    well, I can’t be the same 15-year-old kid for ever. From June 11, 2009 a student of the Science Stream (Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Maths), at Chinmaya Vidyalaya Kannur.
    Entered 12th standard. Getting entrance coaching from T.I.M.E. (Triumphant Institute of Management Education)
    And by being rank 1675 in AIPMT, I got into Mysore Medical College, in August 2011, a week after Independence Day

    Worldly achievements:
    Started on July 1, 2012
    INOI 2011 qualifier
    Got into the interview level of KVPY, (from 11th std, in 2010) but then they failed to realize who I am

    Won NTSE from 8th std in 2008
    Won Rashtrapati scout award in 2008
    Participated in State Camporee of Scouts conducted at Calicut University (2009, i think)

    Life interests:
    Developing artificial intelligence (using categories)
    learning to create firefox addons, google APIs, android apps
    learning C++, C#, perl, lisp, python, xhtml, css, java, javascript (all of which i’ve a rudimentary knowledge of)
    customizing linux
    teaching computer
    teaching: physics, human body, philosophy (value education)
    beginning an entrance coaching/tuition institution where the emphasis will be on learning methods
    learning quantum mechanics (What’s the big deal?)
    learning tennis. (playing federer?)
    going on a world tour
    going on an all India tour (including Himalayas) with a laptop and wireless connectivity. (not with mathi. we go alone)

    Contact me:
    Click on your mail server
    yahoo (or ymail, or rocketmail)
    any other
    Profiles in various websites:


    windows live
    My important posts at other places:
    How to study

  • Google Docs OR How to create PDF files easily and without using any softwares

    Most of the PDF creators or readers now available are at least greater than 5 MB in size. So, if you are a slow internet user or are unable to download those softwares or use them you could be int trouble. But that’s where the mighty google comes for your help.

    Heard of Google docs?

    You think it is just an online virtual drive where you can store your files? Absolutely not.
    Google doc is like MS office in the web. It helps you to do virtually anything – creating, editing, saving, storing and downloading documents.

    All you need is a google account, some know-how about documents like presentations, PDF, etc. and an internet connection (even that is not required nowadays with offline functionality).

    So, how to create PDF files?

    Create a new document using the buttons. Type it. Make it what you want it to be. Then from file, select download it as PDF. That’s the way. And you have much more things to do.
    Let me first learn them.

  • What is lavalin

    There is a presentation describing the SNC lavalin case at

    If you want to know more about the snc lavalin scandal including valid documents go to

  • Nation remembers Mahatma Gandhi on Martyrs Day

    This is the post i made in APJ Abdul Kalam’s Fan club in the thread

    Nation remembers Mahatma Gandhi on Martyrs Day

    Down in Kerala, we don’t have anyone with much hatred towards Gandhi. But everyone tells that his ideas are highly improbable, at least now.

    But, in whatever way i followed him, his path made me successful.

    All my classmates has their own nicknames, names which they don’t wish to be called. But I don’t have any. Those who name others have tried to name me too. But as Gandhi told, I just don’t react. Let them tell anything. Now, I have no name except Akshay.

    I have seen many children of my age making tit for tat. But Gandhiji told to be patient. And whenever someone provokes me even physically, I just don’t care. And that has given me an absolutely calm life. I don’t remember fighting with anyone for the last 2 years (i’m in 10th standard, now)

    Gandhiji also taught me the value of truth.
    The fact with truth is that, if you tell only the truth, you will never have to repent. Even if you are being blamed, you need not be thinking, “i shouldn’t have said that, because you’ve told the truth only”
    This has helped me quite a very big lot in keeping the cool in many situations.

    Gandhiji taught me brahmacharya. When my exams drew nearer and I used to be sitting in front of tv set, his two chapters in MEWT got me away from the tv to text books. And i am getting more than average marks.

    In real life, I have been comfortable with any person. I don’t know if anyone in my school hates me.

    But it has given me setbacks too. My classmates, who are not used to His ideas sees me as a weird persons. They think that telling the truth is inappropriate. And they don’t add me to friends list. But I have nice friends who understand Gandhiji and me.

    Gandhiji has really influenced my life. My life is an experiment of his theories. And i believe his theories have been right till now.

  • Barack Obama certifies my blog

    “I, Barack Hussein Obama, do hereby certify that Akshay S Dinesh is a very nice guy and his blog, has been an inspiration for my presidentship. Wish him all success in his life.”

  • When requested former President A P J Abdul Kalam to compose a Republic Day message for their readers, he promptly sent them this piece, which they were honoured to publish:

    Dear friends, let me share with you a seven-point resolve on the occasion of ensuing Republic Day 2008:

    1. Wherever I am, a thought will always come to my mind — *What can I give?*

    2. Whatever the mission I will do, my motto will be *to work with integrity and succeed with integrity.*

    3. I will always remember that *my winged days, be not spent in vain*.

    4. I realise I have to set a great goal that will *lead me to think high*, work and realise the goal.

    5. My greatest friends will be *great human beings, great teachers and great books*.

    6. I will firmly believe that no problem can defeat me; *I will become the captain of the problem, defeat the problem and succeed.*

    7. My National Flag flies in my heart and I will bring glory to my nation.

    Read it at rediff