Tuesday, July 28, 2009

An Overview of All the Available Careers in India

Here's a bird's eye view of the map of all the paths that could be taken in life.
Remember what Frost said

Two roads diverged in a wood, and I—
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference.
Choose wisely.

(Click on the image for a larger view)

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Monday, July 27, 2009

Bhagavad Gita Chapter 2, Verse 49 - by Swami Chinmayananda

|| 2-49 ||
doorena hy avaram karma, buddhi-yogaad dhananjaya
buddhau saranam anviccha, kripanaah phala-hetavah || 49 ||

Swami Chinmayananda began:

"Doorena - by far. hy - indeed. awaram - lower. karma - you are sweating and toiling at your actions, your selfish actions, prompted by your ego and ego-centric selfish desires in which the millions are sweating and toiling from morning till evening. That karma, it is only prompted by instincts and impulses. It is like animals suffering or running about. It is pure labour. he's not the man of acheivement. mere labourers, doorena by faaaaar lesser is this unnecessary sweating and toiling in the world outside. Complaining of the tension stress and strain of life.
That is not real work.
Work is inspired. Where the worker never understands tiredness, exhaust. The joy of that work itself replenishes the true worker. Doorena hy avaram karma.
Buddhi-yogaad dhananjaya. Hey Arjuna please understand, as compared with the Buddhi-yoga, buddhi-yoga where you've got an ideal and you're pursuing to reach the ideal it is an inspired enthusiasm with which you're living. That joy of true work is any day nobler than all the amount of buckets of sweat and toil that you bring out of you, exhaustion and fatigue you bring about physical. That is only labour, that is not work.
buddhau saranam anviccha. my dear boy, work in the world outside who said no but buddhau saranam anvecha. maintain your ideal and work on and on i say. and when you're maintaining an ideal let not the ideal be a small ideal. Say that 1 million dollars i want, if the moment i earn one million i am retired. hey because you make it. Thereafter in life you're dead, you've nothing to do. Never. Keep the goal highest. So high that you will never reach. "Swamiji why should i keep an ideal which i cannot reach" ha reaching the ideal is not the goal. striving to reach it, that is the moment when you grow. Once you're reaching your goal your ideal everything is ended, thereafter you've to enquire how to die decently, because you're finished, everything has been done. Never should you reach the goal. Keep the goal high. Don't say that is an impractical method. No. Because reaching the goal is not the goal. striving to reach there is the goal. Try to reach out to the goal. You grow day by day week by week. Buddhou saranam anvecha.
kripanaha phala hetavah. those who are seeking only the phala the result.and wanting only that you sweat and toil only to get something. They are kripanaha. krippanaha meaning miserly. miserly means mhmh. miser is a guy who's got money in his pocket but even though he is very hungry, he doesn't want to eat. he goes in front of the restaurant and smeells the various food [sound of smelling] because that is free. why don't you go and eat if you're hungry. "look, it's a new note 20 dollars, if i eat i will have to break it. no keep it. " why? to spend the money is painful, therefore you keep it. And drink cold water from the local tap, why? "anyway i'm going in the evening home. home there will be food. so i will eat there. till then you suffer" this is called a miser. a miser is one who has the ability and capacity and yet he doesn't use it because he doesn't want to give up that money or that what you've got.
There is a wonderful chance of living your life of inspired enthusiasm at all times at the peak, and yet you and i will not do that. why? because of our attachment to the ego and selfish desires and make a mess of our own life. YOu're kripanaha. OK
when you're inspired under working you won't know the exhaustion of work. ha ha. Doctors will have to take ECG to understand whether I'm overstrained or not. YOu ask me I am never overstrained. why? i am inspired in this work i am doing. anybody who is inspired, they won't have worries and anxieties.
ha ha. In our own homes when there is a marriage aiyayaa the ladaies work work day and night and night and day with over enthusiasm and when the marriage is over and the girl has walked away you find everybody collapsing in wherever they are standing. For three days they won't get up from there. Neighbours will have to come and feed them. How is it that at 8 am you collapse but till 8 am you are all enthusiastic. ha that is because the shaadi. the marriage. and that the girl has now gone haaa bhum.
is it?
inspired work, you work but you will not know the exhaustion or the fatigue. tirelessly you work when you're inspired. "

Thus spake Gurudev

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My Dream Hospital cum Mini City - "Live Longer" or "Freedom Centre"

This is another of the things I am going to do in the future.
Of course I will become a doctor. Then, I will start a hospital. This hospital will not be like ordinary hospitals. Ordinary hospitals are designed in such a way as to just get the patient out of ailment. But my "Freedom Center" will not just do that. We will make sure that the patient has a totally new lifestyle by the time he leaves "Freedom Center". Such that he will never have to visit here again.
In the "Live Longer" section, we will also have a gym, ( a swimming pool, ) a library, and a forum for people and especially youngsters to think and talk about what they like and need.
We will have music running continuously in the background everywhere inside the Freedom Center.

Yeah, and people will love to be inside the Mini City. And people will live longer. And they will get freedom from the sorrows of life.

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Sunday, July 26, 2009

Science vs Faith best explained in a diagram

Science is evolving to better understand the universe, faith is devolving to better worship God
best explained in: sciencevsfaith

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Friday, July 24, 2009

BBC SPORT | Tennis | Federer celebrates birth of twins

BBC SPORT | Tennis | Federer celebrates birth of twins

Well, Federer's records won't be broken by his son, becuase Charlene Riva and Myla Rose are the twin lucky girls.

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Friday, July 17, 2009

How a Pen and a Pad can Save You a Lot of Time and Mind

There is scarcely anyone unaware of the ultimate to do list manager. It is not a software. It is not a web based app. It is the age old, evergreen, ultimate productivity tool called 'pen and paper'.
Whereas it is paper that is used usually, I would suggest using a stack of small rectangular papers, single lined and bound using a clip - a reminder pad.
Now the advantages of actually writing down your tasks and then crossing it off one by one over any software are that:

  1. There is unparallell functionality (including handwriting recognition and instant switching of font, size, style, etc)
  2. Extreme portability: A standard reminder pad is designed so as to exactly fit into your pocket.
  3. Quick, lightning quick: No booting required, no saving, no backing up.
  4. Simple: Take any web based app, you will have to log in to access your tasks and that is an added disadvantage.
Well, once you've started using it, you will find that unlike when you start with the web based apps or any software, you don't give up writing your tasks after the initial enthusiasm ends up. It's such a simple yet effective tool that you'll soon get addicted to it.
And what more, you'll soon be able to live in the present.

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Tuesday, July 7, 2009

thebigview.com - Biggest Views About Philosophy and Modern Physics

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Sunday, July 5, 2009

How Much of Confidence is Overconfidence?

Every time someone sure to win fails, others attribute a reason, almost instantaneously - "he was overconfident".
But, how much of confidence is overconfidence?
Usain Bolt was sure he would be the Olympic Champion even before the 9.69s run began. And how would have people reacted if he failed in winning the race, after showing the 'V' sign even before the "Go" word? Of course, news channels would have been beaming with special bulletins that criticized the act of him imagining himself to be a winner as one of brimming overconfidence. 'Sports specialists' would start advising their listeners as to why one should never celebrate success before achieving it.
But, visualising success and enjoying the fruit before it flowers are all techniques that stand out among self-help techniques. These have been used by many with considerable success in their endeavors. And these are one of the sure fire techniques that allow human bodies to activate the mechanisms that are required in order to achieve the feat that is to follow.

Still, when you are confident, and when you lose, people criticize you. These fangs are inescapable. You can't shake off the agony that grips you either.

So, how do we make sure that we are not overconfident and that we have just that critical amount of fire burning to take us through?
If we are able to answer this question, we will be able to save ourselves from that embarrassing moment when our confidence present itself as overconfidence to others.

If you decide not to practice,
If you decide not to be worried about it,
If you decide not to look forward to it,
If you decide not to prepare the failure speech,
Then, my friend, you can make sure, you are overconfident.

But, otherwise, every gesture of confidence that you make are completely justified, and the people who call you 'too confident' are the people who deserve sympathy for commenting about what they don't know.

Be confident. Be overconfident. (Because, as for anything else, sky is the limit for confidence)

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